




3G中文网 www.3gzw.net,tfboys之最美回忆无错无删减全文免费阅读!





    “I've been living with a shadow overhead~”一阵歌声传出,梓晴坐在工作人员搭的台子上面,俯视着四叶草们。

    “I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed.I've been lonely for so long.Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on~”梓晴接着唱到。

    “I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away.Just in case I ever need them again soing aside tir a little space in the corners of my mind~”千玺苏苏的声音传了出来,只见灯光在梓晴那处熄灭了,在千玺那处亮了起来。


    “All I wanna do is find a way back into love.I can't make it through without a way back into love.”千玺站了起来,梓晴也站了起来。千玺伸出手扶住梓晴好使梓晴从台阶上走下来。灯光随着千玺梓晴移动。而且做着这些动作的同时,两人还在合唱。

    “I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine.I've been searching but I just don't see the signs.I know that it's out there.There's gotta be sor my soul somewhere.”梓晴和千玺走到了台上,这回舞台上的灯光都亮了,梓晴和千玺紧紧地握着对方的手。

    “I've been looking for soo shed some light.Not somebody just to get me through the night.I could use so.And I'gestions.”千玺看着眼前的四叶草,时不时的露出自己的小梨涡。

    “All I wanna do is find a way back into love.I can't make it through without a way back into love.And if I open my heart again.I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end.”千玺梓晴同时转过头来,对视着,唱道。

    “There are moments when I don't know if it's real.Or if anybody feels the way I feel.I need inspiration.Not just another negotiation.”梓晴千玺看向前方,两人依然没有松手。

    “All I wanna do is find a way back into love.I can't make it through without a way back into love.And if I open my heart to you.I'm hoping you'll show me what to do.And if you help me to start again.You know that I'll be there for you in the end.”慢慢的,千玺拉过梓晴,把她拉到了自己的怀里,直到最后一个词,梓晴和千玺双双相拥。








    (雨晴:嗯,雨晴今天找的歌叫《Way Back into Love》,大家可以自己找来听一听,雨晴之前听的是卫兰和李治廷翻唱的,很好听哦。还有一件事就是,雨晴第二部名字定下来了,叫做《TFBOYS之爱于摩天轮》,不过还没有发布,等到第一部完结之后,雨晴就会把第二部发上去,大家敬请期待吧!)




